scurt istoric
The Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology was founded in 1946. It was headed by N. Kuznetsov, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, who possessed a broad range of general knowledge, good fine arts skills and years of extensive research experience. Professor N. Kuznetsov together with his first assistants S. Koschin, N. Colesnicov, M. Selin, L. Otelin, and A. Negovschi had represented for almost 15 years the Department’s academic staff in charge of the study process and teaching materials. In 1962, Associate Professor N. Cereş, then assistants P. Gusac and V. Bulhac, who later became Associate Professors, became part of the teaching staff. During 1965-1968, in the didactic-scientific activity of the Department have participated C. Arnăut, V. Bodiu, M. Casian, N. Eşanu, I. Şiman, and V. Vozian.
After professor N. Kuznetsov’s retirement (1970), the Department was headed by university professor I. Iakovlev (1970-1972), and in 1972-1992 - by V. Jita, university professor, Professor Emeritus of the Republic of Moldova, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, disciple of academician V. Kuprianov. Between 1968-1980, A. Ciornîi and T. Iordan worked as senior lecturers, while E. Onea and A. Darie as Associate Professors. After retirement, in 1992, V. Jiţa worked at the Department as a university professor, and since 2002 - as a professor-consultant.
In 1992, university professor N. Eşanu was elected head of the Department. He enhanced and modernized the methodical-didactic activity, encouraged the selection, training through master's degree studies and then including in the Department staff of young specialists E. Pelin, M. Băncilă, L. Şaptefraţi, V. Fulga, T. Globa, T. Ştefaneţ, A. Cazac, V. Mazuru, and L. Rudico. With the inflow of new teachers, who possess information technologies and modern languages skills, the reorganization of the students' training process has started. The implementation of new forms of assessment of students' knowledge (test-editor) and the computerized self-assessment program are particularly important. Since 2006, V. Rîvneac, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in Medicinal Sciences, head of the Morphology Laboratory, has been working at the Department.
After the premature death of university professor N. Eşanu (2009), the Department has been led by Associate Professor L. Şaptefraţi. During this period, Associate Professors G. Dumitraş and V. David have joined the Department, and the institute of tutors has been introduced for the first time at the university (V-VI-year students and resident physicians are involved in the discipline teaching).